Saturday, May 23, 2009

Movie Pandemonium - Lesbian Vampire Killers

With a name like that the first thing that comes to mind is a cheesy porno movie, am I right? Fortunately our friends over in Britain have brought us yet another great tongue in cheek "horror" movie.

The story follows Jimmy and Fletch, two stereotypical guys drowning their sorrows at the local pub after a rough day of getting dumped for the 7th time and punching a 7 year old respectfully. Having almost no money, Jimmy comes up with the idea to go for a hiking trip for the weekend to forget their ills. Being too drunk, too smashed, to argue, Fletch goes along with the idea. However, he seriously doubts there will be all that many women for them to try and hook up with. Letting fate direct them via the all mighty dart of destiny, they head to a remote village in Wales.

It's at this point that the music begins to be noticeable. With the introduction of the female lead and her friends heading off to party in the Scooby mobile, we hear Wolfmother's "Woman" key up which definitely kicks the movie forward and sets the pace for the rest of the movie. The music continues this clean transition throughout, and keeps a light, fun, energetic feel.

Now comes a bit of the negative. The acting is, well, bland. Jimmy could easily be replaced with just about any other British actor and you would probably get more of a rise out of hearing him speak. You get the feeling that maybe today just wasn't his day for acting. If this had been a more serious film I would be a bit more bothered. Don't even get me started on the college girls. *cringes* My head hurt just listening to them attempt to do their lines. Thankfully they are few and far between, and quickly forgotten. The special effects were anything but special. And while comical in an absurd way, it does grow old to see goo spew from the vampires.

Thankfully the positives certainly outweigh the negatives here. Fletcher, while at times is a tad crude and is placed in a few situations that seem a bit over the top, had many great one liners. The slapstick humor is definitely a hallmark of great British comedy and it shines brightly in this film. I recall a particular scene in which a woodsman's axe comes into play which certainly brings a sense of completeness that is not only extremely humorous, but comes off unexpectedly in delivery and is very satisfying.

Following in the footsteps of movies such as Shaun of the Dead and Vampires Anonymous, Lesbian Vampire Killers brings together a good, healthy dose of laughs with only a few setbacks. And while many other critics want to bash this movie for its juvenile comedy, I want to reiterate the point that it is called LESBIAN VAMPIRE KILLERS. Anyone who comes in to watching this movie expecting that it is serious needs to meet the business end of a clue-by-four.

Elmorte's Judgement - 4/5 Rent it

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